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теософия и йога

01/10/2004 19:52

Ответ на   Re: йога и семья

Если подлинная (не адаптированная) раджа-йога непригодна для западных теософов, то что же пригодно? По-видимому, джняна-йога, т. е. изучение и медитация, ведущие к пробуждению интуиции и контакту с Высшим Я. (См. ниже некоторые цитаты в подтверждение этой точки зрения.) Конечно, это не исключает использование отдельных элементов других йог.

Проблема с джняна-йогой состоит, что она очень трудна; это, несомненно, не путь наименьшего сопротивления. Однако я думаю, что на ранних этапах теософского движения последователи теософии не особенно страдали от этого затруднения: теософия была уделом интеллигенции и просто хорошо образованных людей, привычных к усердному изучению и интенсивной умственной работе. Только позже, когда к теософии примкнули люди из низших слоев, она деградировала - люди стали избегать изучения "Тайной доктрины" и предпочитать чтение легких и занимательных книг Безант, Ледбитера и других популяризаторов, и теософская работа превратилась из упорной практики джняна-йоги в приятное времяпрепровождение на кружковой или клубной основе.


[Перевод первой фразы: "Е. П. Блаватская заявила, что главной йогой Запада является джняна-йога."]

"H. P. Blavatsky said that jñana yoga is especially the yoga of the West. One who follows it continually strives for a fuller and deeper understanding of the meaning of life. Like a good scientist, the follower of jñana yoga is not afraid to discard outworn theories or views of reality, but ever seeks an undistorted vision of the whole. We can each practice this yoga by viewing with critical discrimination all ideas around us and reserving judgment on what we do not understand."

(Yoga: A Theosophical Perspectivehttp://www.theosophical.org/theosophy/views/yoga/ )


[Перевод пятой фразы: "ЕПБ говорит о "Тайной доктрине" как о форме джняна-йоги для западных умов."]

"Carl Jung declared that the West needed to find a yoga of its own. He felt it dangerous to thoughtlessly adopt methods not native to Western minds and needs. There are many yogas: bhakti, karma, and hatha yoga. There's also jnana yoga, that of expanding the higher portion of the mind so it links with the divine. HPB speaks of The Secret Doctrine as being a form of jnana yoga for Western minds. With our need for rationality the SD as a form of yoga is still relevant a century after it was written."

(A Life of Genius: H. P. Blavatsky
By J. T. Coker
http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/theos/th-jcok.htm )


[Перевод 3-го абзаца: "Тот, кто по-настоящему изучает "Тайную доктрину", является джняна-йогом, и этот йогический путь является истинным путем для западного ученика. "Тайная доктрина" была написана именно для того, чтобы обеспечить ученика путевыми знаками на этом пути."]

"No matter what one takes as study in The Secret Doctrine one must correlate it with those basic ideas...

This mode of thinking (she says) is what the Indians call a Jnana Yoga. As one progresses in Jnana Yoga, one finds conceptions arising which, though one is conscious of them, one cannot express nor yet formulate into any sort of mental picture. As times goes on these conceptions will form into mental pictures. This is a time to be on guard and refuse to be deluded with the idea that the new found and wonderful picture must represent reality. It does not. As one works on, one finds the once admired picture growing dull and unsatisfying, and finally fading out or being thrown away. This is another danger point, because for the moment one is left in a void without any conception to support one, and one may be tempted to revive the cast-off picture for want of a better to cling to. The true student will, however, work on unconcerned, and presently further formless gleams come, which again in time give rise to a larger and more beautiful picture than the last. But the learner will now know that no picture will ever represent the TRUTH. This last splendid picture will grow dull and fade like the others. And so the process goes on, until at last the mind and its pictures are transcended and the learner enters and dwells in the World of NO FORM, but of which all forms are narrowed reflections.

The True Student of The Secret Doctrine is Jnana Yogi, and this Path of Yoga is the True Path for the Western student. It is to provide him with sign posts on that Path that The Secret Doctrine has been written.

[Later note; I have read over this rendering of her teaching to H.P.B. asking if I have got her aright. She called me a silly Dumskull to imagine anything can ever be put into words aright. But she smiled and nodded as well, and said I had really got it better than anyone else ever did, and better than she could do it herself.]"

by Robert Bowen
http://www.theosophical.ca/SecDoctrineStudy.htm )


  1. теософия и йога - Anonymous от 01/10/2004 19:52

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